The Cuesta-Rey cigar has been enjoyed around the world by millions of cigar lovers, so we are proud to bring you 125 years of great tasting cigars rolled up into one fine handmade beauty. It didn’t get a 94 point rating on just looks alone, this is a great tasting cigar. The Centro Fino from Cuesta-Rey is handmade at the Tabacalera Arturo Fuente in the Dominican Republic. The Centro Fino sungrown collection brings to life the rich tobacco of the Quevedo region of Ecuador, utilizing hearty Sumatra-seed wrappers, all grown in rich volcanic soils. The finest and most flavorful wrapper tobaccos come from the stalk or ‘Centro Fino’ portion of the plant. This combination along with specially aged Dominican ligero fillers gives the Centro Fino a lose draw with an even burn for a full-bodied flavor unlike any other cigar you’ve had. As soon as you ignite a Centro Fino you will begin to taste sweet, nutty flavors with subtle hints of licorice and spiciness to it unlike any other. Some have even received generous flavors of wood and smooth maple with an earthy finish. These Centro Fino’s from Cuesta-Rey come in a beautifully designed and elegant eye catching box. Embroidered with the Cuesta-Rey logo, the box all around has beautiful artistry that truly gives off the royal touch. We weren’t kidding when we said this was the Porterhouse cut of beef, and served on your finest plate that only the royal family could match.