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  • Davidoff Maduro Toro

    Davidoff Maduro Toro Cigars were created to be the ultimate Maduro smoke. Going above and beyond to refine every aspect of the flavor profile. Distinguished smokers will immediately delight in the powerful and nuanced profile and aromas on display. Starting with a dazzling selection of rich Dominican tobacco for the long fillers. Capped with vibrant Mexican binder. The star of the blend is the Ecuadorian Maduro wrapper. Crafted using Corte #7, the highest grade tobacco Davidoff utilizes. Fermented for sixteen months to bring out the flavor, and aged for an additional two years to mature its natural strength. Spark it and enjoy a melody of honey, oak, cream, dark chocolate, spice, dried fruit, and white pepper. At six inches and a fifty four ring gauge, the toro is a sublime fifty minute smoke.