Montecristo Afrique Cigars, the most unique Montecristo cigar of all. Composed of African tobaccos from Cameroon and.....Tanzania it has a distinct entrancing flavor with an exotic, spicy core. Indescribably rich and creamy. A must-try for cigar aficionados.
Mike's Cigars has the best deals on Montecristo cigars, available in singles, packs, and boxes.We are proud to offer the most famous cigar brand in the world - The Montecristo cigar. Montecristo cigars were originally made in Cuba but now are sold in the US by Altadis.The Montecristo cigar climbed to the top of the world's renowned cigar list, and it continues to get the highest ratings from American consumers.The Montecristo cigar is made in La Romana, Dominican Republic, featuring a medium body which delivers rich taste with silky notes of roasted almonds and sweet coconuts, in a delicious harmony. This is a must-have for all cigar lovers!