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  • Davidoff Year Of The Dragon

    Davidoff Year of the Dragon Cigars complete the brand's zodiac collection with a fiery climax. Creating the ultimate, limited edition craftsman cigar. After years of acclaimed releases inspired by the Chinese Zodiac, Davidoff has reached its zenith with the year of the Dragon. Davidoff knew they had to use every ounce of expertise to craft a blend worthy of the name Dragon. It needed to be something bold, passionate, and above all, flavorful. A blend that would stand the test of time and be remembered forever. It took eight different tobaccos to bring that dream to life, aged for a combined sixty years. Starting with a mix of carefully selected Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Mexican tobacco for the long filler. Followed by an impressive Dominican binder, and finished with a flawless Ecuadorian wrapper. To showcase its craftsmanship, the cigar features an uncut foot to add an unseen level of complexity to the profile. Only a master blender could achieve a cigar of this caliber. A perfectly balanced medium bodied smoke, sparking it up releases the indelible taste of fresh spice, dark chocolate, and oak in the first third. Followed by the sweet honey, white pepper, and zesty citrus in the second third. Finally, it's topped off with the taste of roasted nuts, cream, and licorice in the final third. Each cigar is seven and a half inches with a fifty ring gauge, offering an utterly imaginative ninety minute smoke. Limited to only 5160 boxes, with ten cigars to a box. This is a smoking experience that cannot be missed.